Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Ryan's Resource # 9-The Incorporation of Online Learning Modules

As learners in the field of Teaching, technology can be greatly beneficial in both the classroom and as an outside resource used to enhance the learning of the children in the class.  Technology has the ability to enable students to learn at their own pace using sequenced activities that allow the student to proceed when they are ready or seek help if they need further clarification.  While this may provide a more intimate interaction than in a large lecture class or big class where specific attention to one student can be an arduous task, there can also be some downsides to resorting to strict learning through the online world.  The role of a teacher is not simply to impart knowledge on his or her student, but rather to teach the student how to survive and manage in a growing world of diversity, surprise, challenge and opportunity for personal and creative growth.  This element of human interaction or empathy is hard to achieve through the wall of a computer screen.

Looking at ways that we can incorporate online learning and assessment, but also integrate classroom time and social experience is the best way we can truly prepare the children for a future where being a caring and supportive mentor and facilitator is vital to the learning experience and provides a broader opportunity to evaluate communicative skills and ability to work collaboratively in the classroom atmosphere.

While some sites, or educators comment that social interaction and the human experience can be duplicated through online "stimulation," I am an advocate for learning through sharing ideas as an experience that should be felt,  associating how we feel about what we are hearing or learning and our interactions with one another.  




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