Sunday, April 10, 2016

Inquiry Based Learning and. Critical Thinking

is rote memorization and high stakes testing the best way to assess if we are engaging students in higher-order thinking? Encouraging students to participate in activities that strengthen skills of analysis and self-regulation should be incorporated more into the classroom at earlier stages of development. Students not only are engaging in methods of critical thinking but they also learn how to use Inquiry Based style learning effectively. Learning to hypothesize, question, infer and draw upon their own conclusions through their own process of deductive reasoning

   in the following article, Overtly Teaching Critical Thinking and Inquiry Based Learning, Zoeller  claims a foundation or baseline must be laid for the Critical Thinking process to continue in future learning. A baseline can be defined as being derived from motivation and an intention .  Simple activities can be designed to engage students from a young age to get them more excited about the idea if Inquiry Based learning. helping the student through scaffolding to discover a way in which they can relate the information to something in their lives helps to strengthen the sense of interest and overall willingness to engage in active learning.

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