Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Ryan's Resource #8- Educational Games and Exercises

As a teacher, in the classroom who has familiarized their class with what is expected of them and the Learning Goals that are required of them to achieve in every unit, a teacher can take it upon themselves to find a way to make this information fun for students and easier to digest come test time.  One thing I enjoyed doing with the kids during my teaching placement was developing games which covered lesson material and curriculum goals but was done in a fun way so the children were more active to get involved.

The following activity, which I designed was for a Medieval Times unit I did my Grade Four students.  Utilizing the Token Economy/ Coercive Authority method I designed a game of Medieval Bingo.  Students are motivated to participate because they know they will be rewarded with a full line of Bingo if they win. Treats for students are optional but creating a comfortable, relaxing environment helps the kids take their minds off the fact that they are absorbing information and learning about Medieval Times.  Students are given Bingo sheets with words written in the squares, the full vocabulary written on the blackboard for the teacher and student to refer to.  Teacher than calls a number and letter and provides a clue, if the student feels the clue fits the correct word provided on their sheet they mark it lightly in pencil.  Once they have a line of five the teacher then double checks the answers which provides an oppurtunity for the teacher to reiterate those definitions to the students for further comprehension.  Teachers will then see what concepts or words the students are struggling with and what material or aspects to explore further.  The following is a copy of one of the exercises I designed .

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