Monday, April 4, 2016

Should we not be Enforcing More Inclusiveness??

Canada has the 9th highest rate of bullying in the 13-years-olds category on a scale of 35 countries1

With Bullying and Suicide rates in our schools steadily increasing, as educators I believe it is important to address the issue bluntly and without the chance of further sidelining the issue.  Bullying and taunting occurs everyday in our classrooms whether we choose to acknowledge it as we should or "pretend" we did not hear it, because after all- admitting we feel helpless and unequipped is not what anyone wants to hear from an educator, but dealing with bullies in the classroom can leave the teacher feeling like a victim as well.  Being in a position of wanting to care and encourage your students how do you put blinders on and tell yourself " things will get better, everyone has hardships."  Finding ways to be more proactive is essential, Bully role-playing workshops, class discussions and talking with parents if you know something may be wrong. Taking on an awareness and implementing strict codes of conduct - calling out wrong behavior publicly, however harsh or controversial.  Once the bully senses that humiliation is not tolerated or deserved by anyone and that consequence is real and accountability is a skill we must all learn perhaps we can strive for a safer and supportive environment where diversity can truly thrive. When a child is not taking care of themselves properly at home and participating in an active healthy lifestyle that is vital to their physical and emotional well-being the effects will, in only a matter of time be evident in the classroom. These elements effect Assessment and Evaluation because when a child lives only in fear and isolation from the outside world, the last thing on their minds is coming to school or participating in the learning experience.  As teachers, parents, educators it is in all our best interests to work together with Teaching Administrators, parents and teachers to become aware of the challenges facing us before it is too late.  With  a background in Drama and the Theatre I enjoy bringing role- play skits into the classroom where students are given the opportunity to understand the perspectives of bullies, the bullied and the bystander.  When students find themselves in the role of the Bystander it is often difficult- perhaps for fear of becoming bullied themselves, to take a stand, but it is necessary and as educators we need to make sure how to enforce these steps so everyone in the school can contribute to a safe learning environment, where students are truly free to learn. 

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