Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Blog Reflection

Retrieved from: Teaching Knowledge

Creating a blog was a very nice idea because it allowed us (my group members and I) to share our thoughts/opinions on things regarding assessment/schools with the world. This was the first time I created a blog so I was unsure what to expect. I thought it would be a very tedious and boring assignment but it has proven to be otherwise. The blog has allowed my group members and I, to share opinions regarding matters that will most likely effect all of us in the classroom. It has served as a discussion board as some discussion took place in the form of "comments" on certain posts. Although creating a blog was an interesting journey, it was a difficult one as well. Many times, I did not know what to post or discuss on my blog. It was very frustrating for me but once I had an idea about the topics I wanted to discuss, it became much easier to do.

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