Friday, April 1, 2016

Should high school students be required to provide a doctor's/parent's/guardian's note to write a missed uni test?

Retrieved from: Marktoon

I believe students should be required to provide a doctors note or a parent/guardian's note to be allowed to write a missed test. The note should indicate the reasons why the test was missed and the awareness that a test was missed. This would discourage students to miss a test unless it is really necessary. If a student is aware they are going to be absent he day of the test, prior to writing the test then they should not be required to bring a note. On the other hand, if they simply do not appear on the day of test then they should bring a note. I understand that some students may be going through a rough time at home thus, they do not show up on the test day, but again, they should discuss this with their teacher. The teacher will then decide what he/she would like to do.

There are many schools that implement this rule on students. The following are just a few examples.
Brooklin High School
Rock View High School
St. Brother André Catholic High School
St. Mary's High School

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