Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Should teachers be evaluated?

Teacher Evaluation
Retrieved from: Hawthorne Public School
I believe teachers should be evaluated by their students and the principal. They should be evaluated by the students at the end of each semester the same way professors/instructors are evaluated at the university level. This will help teachers become "better" teachers as this will indicate to them what to do and what not to do for their future students. At the end of my placements, I asked my students to evaluate me. A handful of students said I was "going too fast" but when I asked my associate teacher, she seemed to think I was going at a good pace...maybe even on the slow side. This just goes to show how important student evaluation can be because the way we, as teachers/adults, view our teaching may be different than how students actually see and understand it. That said, every couple years, teachers are evaluated by their principal. The process is called the teachers performance appraisal (TPA). I think this is necessary because it ensures that all teachers are performing at the level they are expected too


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