Saturday, April 9, 2016

Violeta's Resource Compilation Rubric

Assessment Recourse Compilation Rubric
Topic / Description of assignment: Resource Collection for Grades 7-12 Science

 Evaluation Criteria
Overall Quality of Resources
Exceptional in all areas. Very well constructed and completed.Exceeds standard expectations.
Very good. Minimal
errors and meets the standard expectations.
Satisfactory. A good attempt but at times lacks flow.
Minimal effort in all areas. You can do much better.
Topic Relevance to Ministry Guidelines. Includes expectations, in all required materials.
Novel and unique approach in many aspects of the project. Exceptional effort and all requirements completed.
Some unique characteristics brought to the project. Fulfilled all requirements.  
Some details could be better defined.
Satisfactory project. Most requirements completed.
Appropriate and
creative selection
of digital technology
technology and
high creativity
demonstrated. Very
good work.
Effort apparent in
preparation with
creativity. Meets
expectations. Few
Some effort show in
preparation. At times
difficult to follow
and to make
Noticeable errors.
Appears that very little
effort was invested to
communicate ideas and information. Errors prevalent.
Communication of  
Concepts and
Strong connection between research and practice.  Ideas about learning and teaching have been pushed forward.  Exceptional use of proper terminology and language.
Evidence that considerable research created your ideas about learning and teaching forward.  Appropriate terminology and language used.More details about learning for/of: formative and summative.
Evidence of some research and resources accessed providing foundational knowledge.  Some information is missing but key ideas are covered.      
Difficulty understanding concepts covered. Some key information is missing.  

Assessment activity related well to curriculum expectations.
Assessment activity does not relate well to curriculum expectations.
Purpose of assessment activity is unclear.
Assessment activity is difficult to follow and lacks purpose.
Followed Instructions
All instructions followed and complete as handed in.
Complete details were provided as outlined.
An instruction was not followed.
Some details need to be better explained, and/or need to be added.
Several instructions not followed.

Quite a few details need to be added.
Instructions not followed.

Many details need to be added

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