Saturday, April 9, 2016

Violeta Reflection


            When I started working on this assignment, I thought it would be straightforward. Even though it turned out to be challenging, it has proven to be a valuable learning experience.  One of the important things that I have learned while compiling resources for this project, is that it takes time to find appropriate assessment tools for your students. In addition, energy and dedication is necessary to personalize assessment tools based on individual student needs.
            While conducting my research, I found that collaborating with peers was invaluable to my learning.  Thus, I believe that applying this knowledge through cooperative learning within the classroom is crucial to effective student learning.  Also, the quality of assessment resources which educators use should depend on a deep understanding of curricular expectations, and effective application of student learning goals and success criteria. Thus, a practical aspect of this assignment was not only the knowledge gained about assessments, but also the research and collaborative skills acquired as a result of this experience.

            Finally, the strengths of this collection includes the development of computer, social and scientific literacy skills through games and other interactive forms of assessment.  However, a weakness is that these tools mainly focus on General Sciences for grades 9-10.

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