Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Learning Goals and Success Criteria

Retrieved from: Slide Share

According to Learning goals and Success Criteria, learning goals "...answers the questions “Where are we going?”, “What are we expected to learn?” It allows students to take ownership of their learning and encourages them to build common understanding of why they are learning what they are learning. Therefore, it is important for students to know what their learning goals are. It usually starts with, "by the end of this lesson students should be able to..."

Learning goals and Success Criteria, also says that success criteria allow students to answer "....the questions “What does successful learning look like?”, “What are we to look for during the learning?” Success criteria promotes self assessment as well as peer assessment. It usually lists the things the student can do successfully. For example, "I can recall the process of photosynthesis". Success criteria allows students to determine if they are on the road to success in the classroom.

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