Sunday, April 10, 2016

Integrating Arts Into the School Curriculum

The arts have long been a vital piece for both a culturally rich and academically strong education.  Arts integration works well in creating a dialogue which allows students to articulate their sense of deep thinking through artistic application.  Arts integration have proven to accentuate more culturally diverse elements in a school or classroom which can show to have an even more widespread effect as seen with the Integrated Arts Academy project at H.O Wheeler, an elementary school in Burlington, Vermont that aims to reduce the amount of poverty and socio-economic inbalance through the development of a program which integrates art more fully into other subject areas.

Aspects and goals found in the arts curriculum need to be valued as much as in the Math and Science or Literacy subject areas.  Using them to compliment eachother and weave ideas together, working off one another to keep material relevant and relatable to all your students.  For teachers who are more traditionalist in their teaching methods or who may not see themselves as creative individuals or talented in a given arts focus the idea of incorporating something like Music or Drama into their school day lessons is a scary thing.  Collaborating with your fellow teachers and keeping yourself to date with current ideas and styles of learning through workshops or additional courses can help bridge that gap. 

Discovering lesson ideas in which you can combine both arts and non arts content together into one concrete idea challenges the thinking of the students and helps the teacher learn as well into the thought process of their students.  Using Dramatic elements to create a historical play or scene, students not only use their creative writing skills they are applying knowledge of historical information and strengthening communication and group collaboration activity.

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