Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Riham's Resource #10 - Testmoz

 can be used when creating a test or a quiz as a formative assessment tool for students. It allows you, as the teacher, to easily input questions in many formats (multiple choice, true/false, multiple answer, and fill-in-the-blank). It also allows students to write the test/quiz online. That said, Testmoz can be used more as an assignment/homework students can complete at home or at any time when they have access to internet. For example,  Testmoz can be used when teaching the genetics unit in a SBI3U class.  For students to complete a given assignment, teachers can provide the link (URL) to the Testmoz assignment they prepared. Students would then enter their name and continue to write the given assignment. Testmoz is very easy to use for both the teacher and students. It provides instant feedback (right/wrong answers) to students as well as records their score. A demo can be viewed at https://testmoz.com/1.


  1. .. Best online 100% free quiz maker https://goo.gl/GHirLo

  2. Best online 100% free quiz maker

