Monday, March 28, 2016

Should Students Be Given the Opportunity to Rewrite Quizzes?

Retrieved from: Mobieg

Students should be given every chance to succeed, especially if they are strong students who usually preform well on assessments but preformed badly on a particular quiz. That said, I do believe in giving students the opportunity to rewrite quizzes. Some students may be undergoing personal hardships at home/work/school and therefore, may preform poorly on a assessment due to the inconvenient time it was given. Hence, that assessment would not be an equal or fair representative of the student's knowledge. For this reason, I believe students should be given the opportunity to rewrite a quiz but only if they "ask" for help. Students who preform poorly on a quiz regularly and do not ask for extra help are likely to preform badly time-over-time regardless of how many times they rewrite the quiz. On the other hand, students who ask for help are more likely to preform better than they did the first time, due to the extra help they received which clarified concepts/ideas they were misunderstanding.

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