Sunday, March 27, 2016

Assignment Do-Overs

Through my student teacher placements and my own sense of self-reflection I have become much more sensitive and accepting towards different modes of teaching and assessing.  Naturally we do not all learn the same and so it is only reasonable as teachers we find ways to accommodate for all of our students so no child is left feeling that they have simply been overlooked.  Having the opportunity to teach my own elementary level classes I do believe that often times high levels of stress play an important aspect in distorting the results of a student's actual comprehension level of certain unit material.  A student should be given the opportunity for one "Do-Over" attempt on the test or assignment knowing the highest grade level they can achieve is ninety percent of the original total. Both grades received are then averaged together for a more accurate and fair grading system. This method provides students with more motivation knowing that they have an extra chance if needed and less stress on the first initial attempt. Through the opportunity to redo and learn through constructive criticism by the teacher the student is learning through scaffolding. The teacher is using the prior knowledge  the student has contributed on their first try. The student is guided to further learning through the teacher's guidance, but inevitably the student makes the final connections.

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