Monday, March 28, 2016

Riham's Resource #2 - Missing Assignment Slip

Retrieved from: Missing Assignment Form

I have already made a post concerning my view on missed/late assignments. I mentioned that I believe students should be penalized for handing in late assignments because it teaches them responsibility and accountability. With that said, I believe this resource would come in very handy for the the students that submit assignments late or do not submit them at all. This is a great resource because it puts everything in writing. It allows students to see what marks were deducted because they handed their assignment late. It also allows the student to explain why they were not able to hand in the assignment on time. This is very important because sometimes the "excuse" may be valid thus should to be taken into consideration. If I was to use this slip, I would make sure to hand a filled-in copy to the student who missed the assignment as well as keep a copy for myself (to show to parents/administration/student if needed).

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