Monday, March 21, 2016

Josee's Resource #9: Google Sites

Google sites is a great online tool to create student e-portfolios, where students can showcase their most prized work while observing the growth in their learning over time.  It is also frequently used by teachers to assess a student's learning through formative and summative means.  The most attractive part of Google sites is that it can be coupled with several other Google products that students and teachers already use such as Doc, Classroom, Slides, Forms, Hangout, and more.  I would use this resource as a course-long assignment, where my students would be required to self-reflect about specific class discussions and lectures.  More specifically, I would have my SBI3U students create a self-reflection tab where they would be required to write a short 2-3 sentence reflection on their thoughts, impressions, and opinions of a controversial genetics topic discussed in class such as the use of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs).

Another great way to use Google sites is by way of creating a classroom web page.  In this way, teachers can create online class discussions, debates, and even link to examplar student work.

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