Friday, October 28, 2016

Social Studies - Resource 9 - Pinterest

Retrieved from: Pinterest Image

Pinterest is a great resource that can be used for all courses at any grade level. It can be used in a grade 7/8 Social Studies class to find lesson plans or different activities and assignments for students. Pinterest can also be used to organize and upload your own lesson plans as well as activities. Students can also use Pinterest as their own resource for assignments/activities they are required to complete.

This specific Pinterest resource takes you to Grade 8 Lesson Plans from Ontario that would be of great to use in a grade 8 history class. Grade 8 Lesson Plans from Ontario  provides lesson plans and activities for topics such as the American Civil War and Black Canadian Migration Experiences. These topics are both in the curriculum  and should be covered in a history class.  All in all, this a great website that can be used to teach the entire grade 8 history class since it provides multiple resources and covers both strand A and B in the curriculum .

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