Friday, October 28, 2016

Social Studies - Resource Collection Reflection

While gathering my resources for the Resource Collection, I realized there were many resources out there that can be used in a grade 7/8 Social Studies class. I realized there were many lesson plans posted by other teachers that one can adopt and change however they wish. There were also multiple interactive resources that one can use to engage students. Resources such as, NASA, Pinterest and Youtube can be used for any grade level. If I had to teach a grade 7/8 Social Studies class, I believe I would use all these resources especially the lesson plans and the interactive websites. All in all, this assignment was really helpful because it was practical and can be of use in the classroom, whether it be during placement or in my own classroom. 

Social Studies - Resource 10 - NASA


Image result for nasa
Retrieved from: NASA Image

This NASA website provides facts, resources, articles as well as solutions to global warming. This is a great site that can be used for the grade 7/8 Geography unit when global warming is being taught. Students can go on the website and gather quick facts such as, the carbon dioxide level, sea level and global temperature that is having an effect on our atmosphere. They can also investigate the cause, effect and vital signs of global warming.

I would use NASA in an inquiry lesson where students are required to use the website to answer questions concerning global warming.

Social Studies - Resource 9 - Pinterest

Retrieved from: Pinterest Image

Pinterest is a great resource that can be used for all courses at any grade level. It can be used in a grade 7/8 Social Studies class to find lesson plans or different activities and assignments for students. Pinterest can also be used to organize and upload your own lesson plans as well as activities. Students can also use Pinterest as their own resource for assignments/activities they are required to complete.

This specific Pinterest resource takes you to Grade 8 Lesson Plans from Ontario that would be of great to use in a grade 8 history class. Grade 8 Lesson Plans from Ontario  provides lesson plans and activities for topics such as the American Civil War and Black Canadian Migration Experiences. These topics are both in the curriculum  and should be covered in a history class.  All in all, this a great website that can be used to teach the entire grade 8 history class since it provides multiple resources and covers both strand A and B in the curriculum .

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Social Studies - Resource 8 - Simulation

Retrieved from: First Nations

This interactive website is a great resource that can be used to engage students when teaching the topic of the First Nations people in grade 7 history. This interactive website  allows students to witness how First Nations people used to live and their traditions. It makes the topic/lesson more relatable to students. This simulation can actually be used in any History class regardless of the grade.

Social Studies - Resource 7 - Historical Atlas

Retrieved from: Historical Atlas of Canada

Historical Atlas of Canada is a great resource that can be used when teaching both the history and geography unit in the grade 7/8 curriculum. Although most people would think an atlas could only be used in the geography unit, it can also be used in the history unit to teach students topics ranging from the French Exploration to the Native Population and DistributionHistorical Atlas of Canada can also be used as a resource tool students can use to investigate a given topic.

Social Studies - Resource 6 - CBC Learning

Image result for cbc learning

Retrieved from: CBC

CBC Learning  provides multiple downloadable lessons for grade 5-9 social studies classes. It also provides project templates teachers can use for students as well as generic rubrics. CBC Learning can be used to teach grade 8 topics on SlaveryImmigration to New France, and Canadian Government. Although there are a variety of resources that can be used from this site, it is important to note that these resources are only meant to guide the teacher in the right direction rather than provide a full lesson plan.

Social Studies - Resource 5 - The History Education Network

Often times, teachers use the textbooks provided by the ministry as their primary resource for their classroom. Textbooks can be a good start but having multiple resources can really help teachers teach the subject more effectively.

This website provides multiple resources teachers can use when teaching a grade 7 or 8 history class. It can even be used as an interactive resource where students are given a topic to investigate using this website.